


If you would like to book me to speak at your event, please contact my speaking coordinator by emailing or calling 877.770.1414

Some of my talks include:

God, The Universe, And Everything

Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Everyone wants answers to these questions. Some people have found their answers in God; others are still on the path of discovery. And some have grown discouraged—and stopped looking. In this intellectually stimulating yet entertaining presentation Matt shares his own story of being shaken out of the agnostic apathy he suffered as a young adult. Challenged to find reasons to believe that life has meaning—no matter how messy or senseless or full of pain it may get—his long search finally led him to belief in the God of Christianity, and in his Church.

Porn: 7 Myths Exposed

“It’s just harmless entertainment,” “She’s willing to do it,” “It’s not like I’m supporting the industry.” These and many other myths prevent many of us from seeing pornography for what it truly is: a diabolical counterfeit for love. In this entertaining presentation, Matt exposes what he believes are 7 of the most common myths about porn. Then, Matt untwists the lies, shines light on the darkness, and offers hope to those who are ready reject the counterfeit and embrace the truth. He backs up his arguments with startling statistics, real life stories, and the rock solid wisdom of the Church’s teachings on human sexuality.

How to Win an Argument Without Losing a Soul

If we as Catholics are to heed the instruction of our first pope, which is to “always be ready to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet. 3:15), we must have a basic understanding of argumentation. We must know what constitutes a strong argument and what constitutes a weak one. Furthermore, we must understand how to detect common fallacies. In this interactive and intellectually stimulating talk, Matt explains these things and lays out five indispensable tips for conversing with non-Catholics.

My Mother is a Virgin

“Why do Catholics pay such special attention to Mary?”, “On what basis to Catholics claim that Mary was immaculately conceived or assumed into heaven?”, “How do I begin to develop a devotion to Mary?” These and many other sincere questions are asked by Catholics and non-Catholics alike. In this presentation Matt explains from the pages of Scripture and the writings of the Church Fathers the importance of Marian devotion in a compelling way which is as informative as it is humorous.

The Man Talk (male audience)

In the first part of this powerful presentation, Matt doesn’t explicitly “teach” the men anything. Rather, he invites the men to listen to powerful, moving, and often-times hilarious stories. Then, he poses questions to show the men, or perhaps even to convince them, that who they desire to be, and who God commands them to be, is in fact the same man. In the second part of his talk, Matt lays out five rules that every man must break if he wants to fulfill his deepest desires and follow God’s commands.

See me in action here:

3 thoughts on “Speaking

  1. Moreto Formento says:

    Go on Matt the Catholic church needs you as defender of faith.Armageddon or battle in the airllane is on going

  2. CJ says:

    Matt, you are needed now more than ever. As I have said on this site before, the scourge of porn has shifted to the point where now women are increasingly its victims. In 2014 the next edition of the vile filth put out by Channing Tatum will assault girls and women again in movie theatres across the world. Decent women and men around the globe must not put up with this a second time.People of good will, and Catholics most especially, need your help to spread the message that the next wave of societal pornification is precisely that targeted at women, and it promises to be as deadly as that first wave peddled to men by the likes of Paul Raymond in the UK and Hugh Hefner in the US. (By the way, the 2013 British film “The Look of Love” about how porn-peddler Paul Raymond’s life and that of his daughter both descended into madness is much recommended.) MATT YOU MUST TAKE UP THE FIGHT, AND IT MUST BE A WORLD WIDE BATTLE. DO NOT get stuck fighting only the last war, i.e. the battle against pornography directed to men (as important and vital as that war is). To maintain some measure of modesty and genuine self-respect among men AND women is the epic contest of our age. I am a tenured liberal arts college professor in the humanities and social sciences at a nationally ranked institution and I will be holding a major conference at my college on society’s real war on women–the war on their self respect and self control through wide spread porn directed toward them. I hope you can attend. I will be in touch with you about it directly

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